Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October is breast Cancer Awareness Month. It is one of the most common diseases in Canada. 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime.
What is it?
It occurs when cancerous cells in breasts change into tumours. About 80% of breast cancer cases are invasive, meaning a tumour may spread from your breast to other parts of the body.
Breast cancer can be caused by a variety of factors.
If caught early, the survival rate is 99%
How can I lower the risk?
There’s no sure way to reduce the risk but here are some things that we can do:
- Get to and stay at a healthy weight: Maintain a healthy weight.
- Eat a healthy diet: Some studies show a diet that includes vegetables, fruit, calcium-rich dairy foods and protein may reduce your risk of breast cancer.
- Get moving: Regular physical activity or exercise can reduce the risk.
- Avoid beverages containing alcohol: Limit your alochol intake to one glass a day.
- Get screened
- Do regular self-exams: Examining your breasts regularly helps to maintain breast health.
With advancements in early detection and personalised treatment, breast cancer can be managed as an illness rather than a life-threatening disease.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has supported the ongoing research by the Public Health Agency of Canada on this matter with funding.